Trustworthy News in Times of Bewilderment
None can deny that we are living through complex and strenuous times. Missionaries flourish when things are stable back home, because when things are stable back home they can fully fix their eyes on the tasks of evangelism, preaching, teaching, making disciples, and planting Biblical churches to the glory of God. When things are unstable back home, the missionary is necessarily divided in his labors. We depend on the well-being of our brothers and sisters back home who flourish and give sacrificially to keep us going in the mission. In today's post, we want to share some helpful resources that we utilize to get accurate and helpful information while we navigate these intense times of the pandemic. We want that our ministry partners are not overwhelmed or misled by the plethora of information (some good and helpful, most of it not), but that they are well-informed Christ-followers who can then be sure to lead well their families and all those in their God-given sphere influence. To make good decisions, we need good trustworthy information.
Like never before in history, we are dealing with real issues that impact pretty much everyone: censorship from Big Tech against all info that doesn't support the chosen narrative of the progressive leftists, the clear overreach of Big Brother that consistently and relentlessly seeks to take the place of God and now is pushing to mandate vaccinations even on our children, and Big Pharma that is clearly making billions (perhaps trillions) of dollars (money is the root of all kinds of evil) with experimental vaccines (first ever approved by the FDA without an open panel of qualified advisors nor long-term testing at all comparable to all the other vaccines til now) while ignoring proven low-cost methods for defending people against Covid (vitamin D, immune boosting practices, Ivermectin, natural immunity, etc...).

At current, we are inching closer to being subject to 'lockdowns for the vaccinated only' here in Italy. There is also discussion about mandatory vaccines for children ages 5-12. Our son is 5 and we are now actively pursuing homeschooling. Lord willing we'll have him set up before they try to force vaccinations on him. Being unvaccinated in Italy makes us truly part of the minority. Our main reasons for choosing to be among the unvaccinated are because we already have natural immunity and because of our knowledge of the situation at large and how little of it seems to be because of genuine concern for the health and safety of the masses. Stresses are high here in Italy for all people.
Thankfully as missionaries, we have long abided by the motto of Paul the apostle as expressed in 1 Cor. 4:13 -
when we are slandered, we reply as friends; we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now.
Here are some helpful resources to check out and why we recommend them for you and your family. We want you as best informed as possible.
Jeff Childers is a lawyer who has had his hands on the virus situation since the beginning and is able to offer sound information as well as legal advice. He is a Christian and brings this perspective as well. Though his theological convictions differ from ours in numerous areas, we recommend him for the helpful knowledge he pulls together and shares. On THIS page he shares commentary for Christian leaders in particular - Faith and Covid. We learned about him only recently through a podcast episode by Right Response Ministries (below).
We recommend this podcast by Allie Beth Stuckey for keeping up-to-date with all the current happenings. She gives very helpful commentary from a well-rooted reformed Christian perspective and with a kind personality, something often lacking today. She has numerous knowledgeable and expert guests from a variety of fields: Ben Shapiro, Dr. Pierre Kory, and countless others too many to mention.
We came across this podcast/webcast early on during the pandemic and time and time again it has proven very helpful. Dr. Chris Martenson is not a Christian, but he shows himself strong with his expertise, rationality, and willingness to examine all the evidence while remaining able to change his views when/if corrected by more relevant data. He is wholistic (though lacks spiritual insight as a non-Christian) in his approach and is super helpful for navigating these pandemic times and all the data or lack thereof.
Epoch Times is super helpful and contains a group of real journalists. There don't seem to be many real journalists anymore. They now have their own video platform so they can avoid Big Tech's censorship - If I had some extra money, I would definitely be subscribed to Epoch TV. I tune in regularly to Joshua Philip's Crossroads webcast/podcast. Very helpful information for navigating these times. Amazingly, I just found out they have an Italian edition and I'm super excited for this! It's been difficult for me to navigate the news in Italy since it's also very corrupt and biased.
These last few are not news per se, but they are Christian and have very helpful commentary on the current times.
I've only discovered this ministry in the last couple of years, but man am I grateful to God. Dr. James White's Dividing Line webcast is very educational in all things theological (theology does matter). His applied theology has proven spot on and very helpful for many during these times of the pandemic. He has a keen eye for recognizing the threats that have been confronting Christians and society at large for many years.
**HERE is a good summary of his profound comprehension of what is happening in our world today. He wrote this in response to John Piper who seems to have completely missed the mark, again, on this crucial matter - Freedom is the Primary Casualty of the Experimental Mandated Vaccines.
Blog & Mablog - Theology That Bites Back
I mentioned this blog HERE as a podcast worth following. Doug Wilson is a faithful gospel minister with a sharp mind, lots of experience, and a particular ability to say things that need to be said. If you have kids being homeschooled, you have likely already benefited from his ministry as he has been very influential with the development of Chrisitan education. Canon Press is a wonderful ministry and they now have their own app which is truly saturated with Gospel content for the whole family. We highly recommend you check it out. We have the subscription and are glad. Doug has been particularly helpful during these times as well with his ability to see the bigger picture of what is happening around us in these crazy times we are living.
Dale Partridge at has a couple of podcast episodes on Real Christianity that may be helpful for you on the topic of vaccines and mandates.
Joel Webbon, a bold and faithful minister of the gospel, pastor, and preacher, at Right Response Ministries has a helpful and balanced, as I see it, response to the question of whether or not Christians should get the vaccine. I found his insight here to be helpful. I have friends who I respect that have gotten the vaccine. I think it's important that people are free to choose what is best for them.
How about you? Do you have any resources that you would also recommend from well-balanced and knowledgeable people? Let us know in the comments section!
This article was written by Jesse Schreck
Here is another important interview that you don't want to miss - Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone. He is the founder of the MRNA technology and was recently removed from Twitter... for sharing scientific facts.
Here is a very important interview that you don't want to miss - Joe Rogan and Dr. Peter A. McCullough. It has already been censored and removed from YouTube, but it is still available on Spotify.