Missionary Church Plant Basics - 01

In Italy when we talk about church planting we at the same time must talk about evangelism because a church will never be formed and planted without both evangelism and sacrifice. In regards to reaching the lost, today it is common to hear about making attractive either church, community or both. In this way people will come to you to hear the gospel; this is important, good and right.
At the same time, when we look at Scripture and Jesus’ teaching we see something a bit different - Jesus sends His disciples (us) to go to the people and preach the gospel rather than expect them to come to us. Further, the gospel He calls us to preach is actually offensive, except to those wanting forgiveness and salvation. Jesus didn’t really make anything attractive about being His disciple. Actually, He warned potential disciples to count the cost and understand they must deny themselves and carry their cross if they are to be His disciples. Since then, nothing has changed. The call of God is the same. Though we in no way want to be unattractive we all must be continually cautious not to drift from the timeless message and method of Christ.
Much more can be said about this but for now we at PMc invite you to please continue to pray that the Lord continue to bless our evangelism efforts by saving more people and building His church, and that He send us more PMc ‘laborers’.