PMc Short-term Cohort - good for you

For the life and vitality of the church some things are of utmost importance; things like the faithful preaching of the Word, the teaching of sound doctrine and theology, church membership, church discipline, the observance of the sacraments of the Lord's supper and baptism. Also to not be ignored is participation in the global mission of Jesus Christ, also known as the Great Commission.
Every Christian is called to be involved in the Lord's global mission! When Christians obey and get involved many great things can happen: more lost people are reached, the church abroad is encouraged, the individuals participating find renewed passion for the lost and strengthened faith, the passion for missions and evangelism goes home with them and infects other church members and the list goes on and on.
One problem of our day is that it is not uncommon for the average evangelical to hear the word "missions" and then think of the 'jungle', the amazon, poverty or tribes because much of modern-day missions has placed its focus on these areas of the world. Today, however, Europe is considered the darkest continent spiritually speaking yet the least amount of missionaries are there present. It follows that a great amount of God's people who want to get involved in the Lord's global mission but do not feel called to extreme physical situations are, unfortunately, left on the 'sidelines'.
Within the continent of Europe lies Italy; a land of 60 million people of which less than 1% have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and are known as evangelicals.
Till now it is possible that you too have considered missions involvement as something that takes place only in the 'jungle' or poor areas of the world. Missions does take place in these places, but that is only because they have people with the need of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is also possible that you have desired to serve the Lord in missions but have not acted on the desire for fear of the unknown and physical dangers associated in certain areas of the world. Perhaps you have even felt guilty about this.
If you also have associated missions with primarily 3rd world countries then we at PMc encourage you to rethink missions! Italy is a 'tribe' of 60 million people who live quite similarly to you and me yet they are very far from God and have not heard the way of salvation, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. They are lost and in need of someone to come to them to tell them the Way.
Through PMc the Lord has now provided you a way to be personally involved (beyond giving and praying) in His global mission! One way you can be involved is by applying for a position on a SHORT-TERM COHORT where you can be involved in relational missions to the unreached people of Italy. There are countless souls in need of Jesus in Italy and this is perfect way for you to be used to make a real impact in the lives of those who need it most.
We warmly invite you to consider joining us in Italy during the summer of 2018! If you have any questions as to what the trip will look like then please do not hesitate to reach out to us!