Gospel Group 1

Before we open a location to call church in Conegliano we are beginning with weekly community gatherings in homes. We eat, we hang out, we talk about the things of God, we pray, we worship, we study Scripture, we impact the city through good deeds and make a way for new people to come and explore the Christian life and be evangelized, naturally. Lord willing when we have numerous groups happening with numerous conversions we will begin also gathering for worship on Sundays as a united church body.
The thing I like about this approach is that it makes it less of a huge step for those you are evangelizing to become part of church and get exposed to the graces of God that happen only in church settings - mainly the preaching of the Word and the observance of the sacraments. For the average Italian to walk into an evangelical church it's something like asking someone to step over the Grand Canyon. The house gathering is a bit less scary and the Lord is at work among us in a more personal way. By God's grace we have now seen our first convert as a result of our house gatherings on Friday nights, Italo. Glory to God alone.
Please join us in prayer also for the salvation of the following people:
Elisa, Giorgiana, Catalin, Renato