Missions Supporter - meet James Coffarelli

Meet James! He is a friend and he is one of our supporters. His heritage is Italian, but he was born and raised in the USA, he's an Italian American. Being raised Catholic, and kept from the true gospel, he remembers the time when he was presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he converted and became a true Christian born of the Spirit of God.
James inspires us through his creativity in raising support for missionaries like us. We pray that he can inspire you too!
James has put together a small gourmet flavoured nut business, wHoly Chipotle. He does this on the side (gathering together the help/service of other Christians) at special events in the PA area in order to gather Christians together to serve and raise funds for missionaries who are going and preaching the gospel, making disciples and planting churches. Imagine how many people could hear the gospel if all Christians were involved in a service like this in order to support missionaries! We know without a doubt that as we gain more support we are able to reach more people, so we're confident that other missionaries around the world could also benefit from things like this.
How might the Lord be calling you to be involved in His mission?
Thank you James for your good example and thank you for your faithful service. God bless you friend and may many others follow in your footsteps. The Lord is using you! And we are honored to have you on our Support Team!