A Story About SENDING

Recently I was touched by the efforts of a small church committed to Gospel Missions. Last Sunday afternoon I was invited to preach and speak about Italy to a small church body (20 people) in Easton, PA. Moved by the Holy Spirit, at the end of the service before leaving they began to discuss what they could do to support my wife and I in Italy in the work of preaching the gospel, making disciples and planting churches. They recognized that they don't have much money as a church so one by one each of them began raising their hand to committ to give $20, 40, 10 etc... Together the members of this church, each giving from his/her heart have put together $155 which they will now begin to give monthly to Missions in Italy.
This is a wonderful example of a church body in love with Jesus and on mission with Jesus. They don't worry about all the nonsense. They know that united in heart and mind, focused on the Gospel, they can make a difference for and with Jesus Christ. I pray we all can learn from them in this manner. It's Missions being Practical and as a result making an eternal difference.
If every church I interact with would follow this example my wife and I would be free to accomplish innumerable things for the gospel in Italy!
What is stopping you from doing the same?
Have you thought about presenting this possibility to your Bible study group or church body?
Perhaps the Lord would like to use your little effort to unite His body to accomplish much for the Gospel in Italy.
John Calvin said it well:
"If the gospel be not preached, Jesus Christ is, as it were, buried."
You may not be gifted to preach the gospel with great grace and power, but your giving can empower us to bring the gospel to the 60 million men, women and children who are spiritually abandoned, abused and starved in Italy.
Christian, disciple, you are a missionary for Jesus Christ. Few of us are called to go abroad for the gospel, but all of us, every individual or couple is called to help SEND those who are called to go abroad. This is an opportunity for you to be personally involved with Jesus as a SENDER. How will you respond to the Lord's call today?
In Christ,
Jesse & Jeryvee
post tenebras lux - after darkness, light