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Why Church Planting Missions?

In an article I read recently in Table Talk from Ligonier Ministries I found this great quote by Dr. Ed Stetzer:

"The Great Commission cannot be fulfilled without church planting. Jesus told us to disciple, baptize, and teach. Those three things are done in the context of a local church. If you want to see people become disciples, be baptized, and taught the Word of God, be it in a large American city or a rural Asian village, church planting must be one of the means."

"The Great Commission without a focus on the nations is missing its biblical context, the disciples' actions, and the place it holds in the mission of God. The Great Commission without a (church) planting focus is missing the point of what they (disciples) did upon hearing the Great Commission."

All you who are partnered with us are equally involved in the task of church planting. Your prayers and support are enabling us to do just this. We are living out Biblical and Practical Missions; to God alone be the glory!

Assemblea Biblica Cristiana (ABC) is the name of the churches we are planting in North Italy.

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