Short-term Mission Trips
There are several reasons why joining a PMc Cohort could be beneficial for you. Firstly, if you are a Christian, you are called to be personally involved in God’s global mission of reaching the lost and building the church. This call is expressed in all four Gospel accounts as well as the book of Acts. It's for all Christians, not just a select few. Joining a short-term cohort is one way to be personally involved in Jesus’ mission around the world.
Another reason that joining a PMc Cohort could be right for you is that serving Jesus in Italy might not seem like such a vast cultural leap for an American. Many in the Lord’s church have the resources to participate in the Lord’s global mission but are often hesitant to do so. Why are they reluctant? Often, because their perception of missions involves extreme physical conditions: jungles, remote areas, poverty, dirt, disease, and similar challenges. Not everyone is called to these harsh environments. What many might not realize is that countries like Italy, with a population where less than 1% are evangelical, represent an unreached people group. They live and dress similarly to you and me, but they have not yet heard the Gospel. This is another compelling reason to consider joining a PMc Cohort. You have the Gospel, which they desperately need to hear to avoid spiritual peril. Joining a cohort allows you to contribute to bringing the Good News to those who need it most, without the concerns of outdoor sanitation or exotic diseases; Italians live in cities and towns much like yours, just older.
What is a PMc Cohort?
A PMc Cohort is a small group of individuals who dedicate themselves to serving Jesus in Italy with the aim of spreading the Gospel to the lost. They set aside their differences, focusing on what unites their hearts: Jesus and the Gospel. Joining a cohort is beneficial because each member brings unique contributions to the group. Members rely on one another, enhancing the group's effectiveness in reaching more people through Jesus' work within the collective.
A PMc Cohort operates as a relational mission, meaning we do not merely conduct services; we actively 'go' to engage with people through evangelistic efforts. All our activities directly contribute to the broader goal of church planting, where full-time missionaries follow up with new contacts, integrating them into the expanding church family. This process allows the church to continue growing and reaching an ever-widening circle of individuals.
How does a PMc Cohort work?
PMc Cohort members arrive in Italy where they are welcomed and hosted by PMc full-time missionaries. Each group is taken to their living quarters where they will stay. They reside in a small home equipped with beds, an armadio, a bathroom, luggage storage, and even air conditioning, a luxury in Italy. PMc manages the organization and provision of lodging, transportation, Italian meals, and ministry supplies.
Once settled, the team undergoes intensive ministry training to prepare for various outreach activities. If everything proceeds smoothly, outreach begins on the second day, typically in the afternoon.
Mornings are generally dedicated to distributing custom-made gospel literature door-to-door and in local establishments like coffee bars, gelato shops, and laundromats. These tracts/flyers, created by PMc, are designed to engage people on topics close to their hearts, sparking Gospel conversations and encouraging contact for further discussion or to receive a free booklet.
At lunchtime, the group dines together and then takes a rest or "riposo" since Italy slows down from 12:30 to 3:30 pm.
Around 3:30 pm, the group reconvenes for prayer and devotion, possibly including an Italian song. The afternoon is spent at a children's park where they use puppet shows, stories, games, and face painting to share the Gospel with kids, parents, and grandparents, fostering community relationships and increasing the church's visibility.
Dinner time from 7 to 9 pm is a break to enjoy another authentic Italian meal, reenergizing for evening ministry.
Evening activities take place in the piazza (town square), where short, silent dramas with music are performed to attract a crowd. After the drama, a cohort member explains the message, inviting discussions. We distribute free literature and engage with people to share and listen to personal stories, connecting these to the Gospel. These interactions continue as long as there are people around, ending with a group prayer before returning to their accommodations.
The following day repeats these efforts in different city areas.
One day within the 10-day trip is designated as a day off, allowing cohort members to explore and enjoy Italian culture, particularly in Venice. The final evening includes an authentic Italian pizza dinner, certificate distribution, and sharing of testimonies.
Results of Joining a PMc Cohort
There are numerous positive outcomes from serving on a PMc Cohort. Most participants find their faith strengthened when they witness the possibility of reaching more people collectively and realize that everyone has thoughts about God. Usually, what is lacking is a safe and comfortable environment for discussing spiritual matters. We all have fears about evangelism and often do not engage in it as effectively as we should. After working together, it's common for individuals to gain new courage and skills in sharing the Gospel. People often return home more excited and better equipped to engage with their local community.
The Italian church greatly benefits, receiving a much-needed boost as it can easily become discouraged given the small number of believers amidst many unbelievers. The church gains a better reputation as locals become aware of its existence and see its active presence in the community. The church reaches individuals it might not have been able to on its own. Many Cohort members develop a new, God-given passion for the lost, committing to prayer and further involvement in mission fields like Italy. Lost individuals come to faith and are welcomed into a church family where they can grow in grace. All cohort members experience the joy of serving Jesus through evangelism, and above all, God is glorified.
How Much Does it Cost to do a 10-Day PMc Cohort?
Prices fluctuate due to dollar-to-euro conversion rates and market conditions. For 2025 cohorts, we estimate costs to range between $1,200 and $1,400 per person. This fee includes all lodging, meals, transportation within Italy, and a PMc t-shirt. However, it does not cover airfare or travel/medical insurance. Participants are responsible for arranging and purchasing their own flights to arrive in Venice, Italy, on the date specified by PMc. We encourage all short-term participants to raise funds through their churches, families, and friends, directing these contributions to PMc. Once a cohort member's application is accepted, they will receive further instructions and fundraising deadlines.
Recommended Travel Insurance: Faith Ventures
Want to dive deeper into the experience? Check out episode 303 of Missions Incorporated for more insights! If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to reach out to us at info@practicalmissions.org. We're excited to hear from you!