Jesse Schreck
Board member since 2016
After seven years in the home automation industry, in 2007 Jesse began a career as an evangelical missionary in North Italy. He studied missions, evangelism, pastoral ministry, and church planting at Saints Bible Institute/Saints Equipped to Evangelize while being trained 8 years in apostolic church planting in Italy. He now serves PMc as the on-field director. He is passionate about reaching the lost, making disciples, helping other missionaries to flourish in their callings, and being used by the Lord to start church bodies with the long-term goal of equipping Italian men to pastoral leadership. The bulk of his labor involves evangelism, discipleship, preaching, teaching, leadership training, and missionary training. He founded Practical Missions Cohort, together with the PMc board, in order to create more involvement opportunities from US churches to the mission field in Italy and to recruit and train new missionaries to the unique task of apostolic-style church planting in Italy, where today there are very few evangelical Christians and missionaries.