Jesse Schreck
May 28, 20171 min read
Missionary Church Plant Basics - 01
In Italy when we talk about church planting we at the same time must talk about evangelism because a church will never be formed and...
Jesse Schreck
May 26, 20173 min read
PMc Short-term Cohort - good for you
For the life and vitality of the church some things are of utmost importance; things like the faithful preaching of the Word, the...
Jesse Schreck
Apr 3, 20171 min read
1st PMc Prayer Card
Here is PMc's first missionary prayer card. We hope to get one in your hands during our next trip to the US this spring from April 18 to...
Jesse Schreck
Mar 21, 20171 min read
Missions and Evangelism - a take from John Piper
Here is a short video from John Piper. He addresses a key topic of our day. It's relevant to all of us who desire to see more people...
Jesse Schreck
Mar 11, 201717 min read
Exhortations to Christians, Pastors and Missionaries from Acts 20:17-35
Recently I was asked to preach a short message from this passage. Not an easy task as it's loaded with biblical principles! The passage...
Jesse Schreck
Mar 2, 20171 min read
Book Recommendation
Here is a book we highly recommend as it has much to say on Christian life and Missionary life. Though written from a 3rd-world missions...
Jesse Schreck
Jan 3, 20171 min read
Would you do different?
As I drove to the grocery store today I decided to turn on the radio in the car. It's always good to get a glimpse of what is on the...
Jesse Schreck
Oct 25, 20162 min read
Small Churches
In our days there is talk about what is better, small churches or large churches. In Italy, only small churches exist because Italy has...
Jesse Schreck
Oct 17, 20162 min read
Church Growth - Jesus' way is not like ours
Here is a great message we heard recently from John McArthur - he touches on the lack of church discipline in most churches today while...