
Daniel Barea
Jun 30, 20218 min read
Individual Worship
Upon me journaling this brief write-up, it was roughly 5:30 pm on a peculiarly cold spring day in the hills of Northern Italy. I am only...

Jesse Schreck
Jul 9, 20182 min read
A Tender Heart in a Rough World
Missionaries doing Gospel ministry in foreign lands among unreached people groups face unique challenges and temptations. One such...

Jesse Schreck
Jul 12, 20151 min read
How Deep the Father's Love
In our most recent newsletter we shared that this song has been keeping us pressing on in the Lord's work in Italy. A classic hymn with...

Jesse Schreck
Jan 12, 20151 min read
Italian worship song performed in church
I've been saved - Sono stato salvato ENJOY!

Jesse Schreck
Jan 12, 20151 min read
Most Influential Worship Compilation we heard in 2014
The song or worship compilation that most inspired us in 2014 and still continues to stir our hearts to wholehearted love to God.

Jesse Schreck
May 27, 20142 min read
Church Planting Requires New and Undiscovered Talents
In the world of cross-cultural church planting there are many things to consider. In our case it very quickly becomes obvious of the need...