
Jesse Schreck
Apr 11, 20243 min read
The Italian Piazza and its Role in Biblical Missions
In the heart of Italy lies a cultural hub known as the piazza, a central town square that serves as more than just a physical space but a...

Jesse Schreck
May 11, 20233 min read
The Dirty Work of Jesus
Too often the Christian doesn't think positively about labor. Jesus labors so that we too would work hard sowing and reaping for His glory.

Jesse Schreck
Nov 4, 20223 min read
What is the best part about evangelism in Italy?
Evangelism, generally speaking, is extremely difficult in Italy, but there are some things that are great about this context.

Jesse Schreck
Oct 11, 20224 min read
Tips Related to Apologetics
Today we share some tips and resources for the critical task of apologetics in the Christian life.

Jesse Schreck
Jun 17, 20214 min read
Lostness from an Italian Perspective
Italy's spiritual situation today can help us understand better what true lostness actually is, as described in the Word of God.

Jesse Schreck
May 26, 20173 min read
PMc Short-term Cohort - good for you
For the life and vitality of the church some things are of utmost importance; things like the faithful preaching of the Word, the...

Jesse Schreck
Sep 11, 20162 min read
Team Evangelism - Italy
This year we were blessed when some friends and supporters from Bethlehem, PA determined in their hearts to come to Italy, not just for...

Jesse Schreck
Apr 1, 20163 min read
Sowing - a church planting basic
Church planting in the US where there is a gospel culture and history is one thing. Church planting in truly postmodern Italy where there...

Jesse Schreck
Jun 22, 20151 min read
S.E.E. Evangelism Teams
We just finished hosting our first evangelism team from the USA - from a church in Quakertown, PA. We thank the Lord for their hard work...

Jesse Schreck
May 30, 20151 min read
Why Campaign - evangelism
With your support we are now offering free booklets that present the gospel of Jesus Christ through a series of "why" questions about...