
Daniel Barea
Jun 30, 20218 min read
Individual Worship
Upon me journaling this brief write-up, it was roughly 5:30 pm on a peculiarly cold spring day in the hills of Northern Italy. I am only...

Jesse Schreck
May 20, 20218 min read
Commanded To Pray For Laborers To Be Sent
The Bible verse that we read for today comes from Matthew chapter 9, verses 37 and 38. "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are...

Jesse Schreck
Jan 25, 20213 min read
Return to the Source
In our previous few blog posts, we shared about different resources that are available to us today, mainly podcasts. We also wrote on the...

Jesse Schreck
Aug 23, 20184 min read
Leading Gone Bad and Abusive
On the mission field talk about leadership is natural and necessary. As Christians we are sent to preach the gospel, evangelize and make...

Jesse Schreck
Jul 9, 20182 min read
A Tender Heart in a Rough World
Missionaries doing Gospel ministry in foreign lands among unreached people groups face unique challenges and temptations. One such...

Jesse Schreck
Apr 3, 20171 min read
1st PMc Prayer Card
Here is PMc's first missionary prayer card. We hope to get one in your hands during our next trip to the US this spring from April 18 to...

Jesse Schreck
Oct 25, 20162 min read
Small Churches
In our days there is talk about what is better, small churches or large churches. In Italy, only small churches exist because Italy has...

Jesse Schreck
Jun 27, 20167 min read
Spiritual Insight on Europe and Italy
After John Piper recently spent some time in Europe and Italy he posted this article and it's worth a read. Few gospel ministers today...

Jesse Schreck
Jul 7, 20142 min read
Will you pray for us?
One of the most influential preachers and pastors of all time, Charles Spurgeon, has definitely been a great inspiration in our life....