
Jesse Schreck
Jul 18, 20163 min read
Missionary or Missional ?
Today there is a bit of confusion going around in regards to missions, being missional and being a missionary. It seems there is a...

Jesse Schreck
Jun 27, 20167 min read
Spiritual Insight on Europe and Italy
After John Piper recently spent some time in Europe and Italy he posted this article and it's worth a read. Few gospel ministers today...

Jesse Schreck
Jun 13, 20162 min read
ABC Church in Pordenone City
To the glory and honor of the Lord Jesus Christ we want to share a little bit of the story of the Pordenone church plant which, by God's...
Jesse Schreck
May 16, 20162 min read
Mercy - Gospel Confusion
This past weekend I was given an opportunity to observe an event organized by the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) under the order of the...

Jesse Schreck
Apr 1, 20163 min read
Sowing - a church planting basic
Church planting in the US where there is a gospel culture and history is one thing. Church planting in truly postmodern Italy where there...

Jesse Schreck
Mar 17, 20161 min read
Gospel Group 1
Before we open a location to call church in Conegliano we are beginning with weekly community gatherings in homes. We eat, we hang out,...

Jesse Schreck
Feb 21, 20161 min read
What Italy Really Thinks of Christianity
There is still a common thought among evangelicals in the USA in regards to Italy - almost all evangelicals are lead to believe that...

Jesse Schreck
Feb 10, 20161 min read
Conegliano City
We are now working and strategizing, with much prayer, to reach a new people group in the North East Italy city named Conegliano. We are...

Jesse Schreck
Nov 10, 20153 min read
Article on being a Sending Church
Here is a good article that just encouraged our hearts. It is published in Table Talk magazine by Ligonier Ministries. It's worth reading...

Jesse Schreck
Nov 2, 20154 min read
Vatican Files - Is the Pope the Anti-christ?
Here is a recent article that might be of interest to you if you often wondered about the Roman Catholic Church. This article was written...