
Jesse Schreck
Dec 3, 20182 min read
Evangelism or Discipleship?
In our times there can be a confusion of terms and often it springs out of erroneous doctrine and leads to erroneous practice. It's...

Jesse Schreck
Nov 28, 20182 min read
Bondage to the RCC
One of the hardest things an Italian faces when he/she is being called by the Lord unto salvation (John 6:44) is to part from the Roman...

Jesse Schreck
Sep 25, 20184 min read
Italy - a forgotten mission field
Typically when evangelical Christians in America think of the Lord’s global mission they automatically think of tribal people needing to...

Jesse Schreck
Aug 23, 20184 min read
Leading Gone Bad and Abusive
On the mission field talk about leadership is natural and necessary. As Christians we are sent to preach the gospel, evangelize and make...

Jesse Schreck
Jul 9, 20182 min read
A Tender Heart in a Rough World
Missionaries doing Gospel ministry in foreign lands among unreached people groups face unique challenges and temptations. One such...

Jesse Schreck
Jun 5, 20183 min read
A Gospel Presentation
In missions it is absolutely of utmost importance to have a firm grasp on what the Gospel is and what it is not. For one reason, it is...

Jesse Schreck
Mar 19, 20186 min read
To Go or Stay?
An important question for all Christians to ask is at the same time a question that seemingly few actually ask themselves. At the moment...

Jesse Schreck
Mar 6, 20181 min read
Book Recommendation - 12 Ways Your Smartphone is Changing You by Tony Reinke
Here is a read that is of great importance in our day of smartphones and social media. It's very important for Christians to comprehend...

Jesse Schreck
Nov 7, 20175 min read
Refining Fire in Italy
Italy is a unique place, spiritually speaking. The ground is rough and rocky, but the Lord is just as much sovereign here as he is in any...

Jesse Schreck
Sep 12, 20171 min read
Article on Sovereignty of God and Evangelism
Here is a link to an article published by Table Talk of Ligonier Ministries - great folks and a great magazine! This is worth a read...