
Jesse Schreck
Dec 21, 20171 min read
Book Recommendations - RC Sproul
With the recent passing of brother RC Sproul (Dec. 14, 2017) we wanted to make another book recommendation based on two of his most...

Jesse Schreck
Sep 12, 20171 min read
Article on Sovereignty of God and Evangelism
Here is a link to an article published by Table Talk of Ligonier Ministries - great folks and a great magazine! This is worth a read...

Jesse Schreck
Sep 7, 20173 min read
Hurtful Impacts of Prosperity gospel - pt 1
A short article to help us all keep perspective in regards to what it is we are preaching. To know these things well enables us to be...

Jesse Schreck
Sep 4, 20175 min read
The Gospel and a counterfeit
Money counters are able to recognize the false currencies not because they spend time studying the false currencies but because they...

Jesse Schreck
Sep 1, 20174 min read
Missionary Church Planting Basics 03 - Know the True and False
In our day there is still much confusion in regards to the Gospel. There always has been actually. In Italy the Gospel is known of only...

Jesse Schreck
Aug 3, 20172 min read
Book Recommendation - The Doctrines of Grace by James Boice
This fall on the mission field we will be, Lord willing, hosting a gathering in our home to invite new believers and their friends to an...

Jesse Schreck
Jul 31, 20171 min read
Book Recommendation - The Unfinished Reformation
This year Christians around the world (those with saving-faith and an understanding of the Gospel) are celebrating the 500-year...
Jesse Schreck
Mar 11, 201717 min read
Exhortations to Christians, Pastors and Missionaries from Acts 20:17-35
Recently I was asked to preach a short message from this passage. Not an easy task as it's loaded with biblical principles! The passage...

Jesse Schreck
Oct 17, 20162 min read
Church Growth - Jesus' way is not like ours
Here is a great message we heard recently from John McArthur - he touches on the lack of church discipline in most churches today while...

Jesse Schreck
Sep 26, 20169 min read
Truth on Catholicism
This is an article posted by Desiring God from Gregg Allison's book The Unfinished Reformation. If you are a Christian and you always...