
Jesse Schreck
Aug 21, 20244 min read
Experiencing the Realities of Church Life in Italy
Italy, renowned for its rich culture, long history, exquisite cuisine, and breathtaking landscapes, holds within its borders a unique...

Jesse Schreck
Jul 18, 20245 min read
The Common Objection to Missions in Italy
In Italy, missionary work isn't a sprint but a steady, patient advance toward establishing biblical churches. It's about trusting God.

Jesse Schreck
Apr 11, 20243 min read
The Italian Piazza and its Role in Biblical Missions
In the heart of Italy lies a cultural hub known as the piazza, a central town square that serves as more than just a physical space but a...

Jesse Schreck
Jan 31, 20245 min read
The Need of Endurance is Yours
Few are the missionaries in Italy who remain faithful to the call. Temptations to forsake the mission of Christ to the Italian people...

Jesse Schreck
Jan 9, 20243 min read
The Profound Connection between Missionary Work and Discipleship
In today's blog post, we will delve into the profound connection between missionary work and discipleship. When we read 1 Thessalonians...

Jesse Schreck
Nov 28, 20232 min read
Essentials for Effective Preaching: Striving to Hear 'Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant
In the world of preaching, every speaker has the desire to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant" upon delivering their...

Jesse Schreck
Mar 25, 20229 min read
Unreached People Groups with the Bible
Places that possess the Bible may also be unreached as not everyone who has a Bible is possess by the Word or abiding in Christ

Jesse Schreck
Oct 31, 20216 min read
What is a Biblical Church?
As we remember the Church Reformation this Sunday, in a particular way I'm thinking about the nature of the church and why this is so...

Jesse Schreck
Jul 22, 202110 min read
4 Soul-Strengthening Truths for Weary Souls
In this blog post, we will consider some application points from Mark 6: 30-44 where we see our Shepherd, Jesus Christ, the Good...

Jesse Schreck
May 27, 20217 min read
Charity and Its Fruits - a book recommendation
If you're like me, you've noticed a lot of people are more anxious now than normal. Normally, a lot of people who are anxious. We do live...