
Jesse Schreck
Dec 12, 20233 min read
The Beauty of the Gospel: Saved from the Wrath of God
In our journey of faith, it is essential to grasp the fullness of the gospel message. While many focus solely on the love of God,...

Jesse Schreck
Dec 6, 20233 min read
Embracing Suffering: A Christian's Perspective
Suffering is an inevitable part of life. In a fallen world, marred by sin and plagued by evil, everyone experiences pain and hardship.

Jesse Schreck
Dec 2, 20233 min read
The Word of God at Work: Illuminating Paths and Transforming Hearts
As believers, we are called to walk in the light of the Word and let it illuminate our paths. The Word of God serves as a lamp to guide us.

Jesse Schreck
Nov 28, 20232 min read
Essentials for Effective Preaching: Striving to Hear 'Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant
In the world of preaching, every speaker has the desire to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant" upon delivering their...

Jesse Schreck
Oct 25, 202313 min read
Tips for Preparing for a Missions Career
Have you ever considered becoming a missionary or getting involved in missions only to discover that you really have no idea how exactly...

Jesse Schreck
Jun 7, 20236 min read
On Getting Started in Winning Souls
Over the years, I've noticed that more often than not the hardest part about the work of evangelism is simply getting started. Often the...

Jesse Schreck
May 11, 20233 min read
The Dirty Work of Jesus
Too often the Christian doesn't think positively about labor. Jesus labors so that we too would work hard sowing and reaping for His glory.

Jesse Schreck
Oct 11, 20224 min read
Tips Related to Apologetics
Today we share some tips and resources for the critical task of apologetics in the Christian life.

Jesse Schreck
Sep 22, 20228 min read
Practical Tips to Keep You Faithful in Evangelism
At times we all get sidetracked in life and our zeal in evangelism grows faint. This need not be. Apply these tips to fan the flame.

Jesse Schreck
Jun 30, 20228 min read
Do Yourself a Favor and Learn Evangelism
Evangelism is too often overlooked or completely neglected today, but it ought not to be this way. Here are some recommended books...